Our process produces magic, promise.


The East Taylor Idea Factory runs on a design process powered by your purpose + people.



Starting to tackle a big project or trying to solve a problem?

We invite you to start off by pausing and taking the time to DREAM BIG!

Regardless of how scary this first step might be, the Discover Monster is here to take your hand and leap together into this journey. This is where we immerse ourselves into your world and dive deep into your purpose and who your people are.

We also cover audits, analysis, and so much ideation. We love a good brainstorm and we hope you do too!



Meet the Think Monster! As cute + clever as this one is, he is often overlooked, forgotten, cut out of the budget, or just plain ole’ pushed aside.

At East Taylor, the thinking phase of our design process is the most critical piece of the puzzle!

We synthesize and sift through all that was gathered during the Discover phase — putting ourselves into your people’s shoes + yours.

This is where user experience (UX) takes the forefront and we sort through the really messy stuff. User journeys, process flows, information architecture, content strategy, and wireframing all come to play during this phase.



This one is just as much fun as he looks, meet the Create Monster.

This is the part of the process everyone loves — it’s when we get to breathe life into your ideas and go from the shades of grey wireframe palette to one that speaks to the purpose of your project.

Your logo and brand identity are put to work, ensuring everything that is created consistently represents your brand and the value it brings to your people.



This is where we get down to business and those seedlings of ideas become reality.

Sometimes our Build phase looks like writing code for a website or app, sometimes it’s creating physical products or packaging for our clients, and other times it’s helping them bring an entire event to life.

Regardless of the medium, you’ll have eyes on our progress. We don’t want to keep all the fun to ourselves!



Pop the champagne and throw that confetti, launching your idea into the world is worthy of a celebration!

This little lady, the Tend Monster, is going to be the one to take your hand as you courageously leap into sharing your idea with the world. Whether it’s launching that website or mobile app, releasing a new brand or product, we know it takes a village.

We also know that the work doesn’t stop. The tending and nurturing only begins with a launch and we’re here to support post-launch with on-going care if you’d like us to stick around even longer.


Meet the Team

Big ideas are what get us out of bed each morning. Helping bring your big ideas to life is what truly sets our hearts on fire. Whether you have big dreams of a website, app, brand, product, event, or any other creative medium — we are here for it.

We know the journey of bringing big ideas to life entails tackling messy problems, and we’re here for that too. When you work with East Taylor, we become an extension of your team. Dreaming together. Problem-solving together. Creating together.

What can we help you co-create?